Welcome to the Social Work Rookie BLOG!

Welcome to the Social Work Rookie BLOG!

Well Hello there!

Welcome to the Social Work Rookie! I am SO glad that you stopped by! First, let me introduce myself. My name is E’dee and I am Licensed Masters Social Worker currently pursuing my Licensed Clinical Social Worker license. As a social worker, I have had the honor of serving littles, adolescents, and adults in private practice and other clinical settings. Being a therapist is not just a job for me, it is my calling! I wholeheartedly love helping others along their journey to find hope and healing! I have had the opportunity to gain experience not only from amazing social workers but also other licensed professionals and countless phenomenal educators who so graciously shared with me their wisdom.

When I first began engaging in therapy with clients, I felt like I was walking in the wilderness of the therapeutic realm! During the end of my masters program and even after graduation, I was so consumed with imposter syndrome that my days at work were filled with overwhelming anxiety.

I would wonder am I really helping my clients?

What interventions should I use to best help my clients with their presenting problems?

Where do I even locate resources?

Do I even know what I am doing?

I openly discussed how I was feeling with a dear therapist friend, and they shared something that made me really sit back and think about the emotional roller coaster that I was going through as a new therapist. My dear therapist friend openly shared how they used to be a police officer before becoming a therapist. He shared how he graduated the police academy successfully and was then given a gun, a police car and was then sent on his way to protect and serve as a rookie police officer. He said what I was experiencing was the same as what he went through in the past when he first went to work as a police officer. Even though I made it through the masters program, had much support and engagement with seasoned mental health professionals and educators, I was a rookie social worker! Talk about an ah ha moment! After that conversation, I sat deep with that thought and decided that in the future I would do my best to help social workers and other mental health professionals navigate the wildness of the therapeutic realm and the idea for the Social Work Rookie was born!

The Social Work Rookie is a place where students and graduates of social work programs, other mental health professionals and even those wishing to learn more about therapy can come to learn more about interventions, helpful therapy/intervention books and other resources dedicated to all things mental health.

The Social Work Rookie also offers a fun online store for mental health merch and whimsy. 

I welcome each of you to the Social Work Rookie, where we can all grow, thrive and find empowerment together!

With much gratitude and light,

—The Rookie

Edith Appleton




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